1. $8 for major medical procedure
Mr Khaw famously paid out of pocket the princely sum of $8 for his open heart bypass surgery. Mr Tharman in his recent budget speech said that health care costs will take up an increasing portion of our GDP. We would suggest Mr Khaw shares his secret to keeping health care costs down with Mr Tharman. We would all be ever so grateful.
2. Last year, Mr Khaw urged Singaporeans to save for a rainy day (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/save-rainy-day-advises-khaw-054211463.html). He apparently is not aware of the interest rate banks are paying for your deposits. We have no idea what his bank is paying him for his deposits but it cannot be the 0.1 percent we are getting. Come on Mr Khaw, do us (and your bank) all a favour and tell us where you are banking your money. We would all be ever so grateful again.
3. Buy a flat on $1000 monthly income
Mr Khaw supporting his cabinet colleague Mr Tharman that it is possible for a Singaporean earning just $1000 a month to buy a flat just from his CPF contributions alone. We wonder why he has chosen to keep this a
secret from us until now. The only thing left is to find out why eligible Singaporeans aren't taking advantage of it. Should be good for a blogtv@sg episode at least.
What amazing revealations can we next expect from Mr Khaw? That Singaporeans should switch to eating cake if they cannot afford bread? Hopefully (for Mr Khaw), he won't end up the same way as Marie Antoinette when he says that.
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