Firstly, he is our equivalent of Prince Charles, too young to leave the scene but yet likely too old to occupy the position for any meaningful period of time to make any significant contribution as PM. So why bother? Might as well invest the effort in grooming someone else (younger) who will last longer in the position.
Secondly, does he have the EQ to connect and schmooze with politicians on the international stage? He may have some exposure to regional politics but is deficient when it comes to experience on the larger international arena. He just doesn't have enough political depth/ballast/cachet to make any impression outside of the local context.
Thirdly, does he have the intellectual depth for the demands of the office? If his latest remarks on the Hougang by-election are anything to go by, longer term strategic thinking is not his strong suite. In referring to the WP by-passing Mr Png Eng Huat for the NMP post he asks: "If he (Mr Png) was their best member, why didn't they choose him?"
I do not presume to know the internal workings of the WP, but a reasonable explaination is they are planning for their party's future leadership renewal. It is in their (WP's) interest on balance that the younger Mr Gerald Giam be given the opportunity to be exposed to politics in parliament. This is forward thinking and would be in stark contrast to the PAP if they should so decide to anoint him (Mr Teo) as the next PM-in-waiting.
This may just be Mr Teo grabbing at straws for anything even remotely plausible to try to persuade the voters of Hougang to vote for Mr Desmond Choo. But given his earlier remarks on telling the TP (traffic police) to be tougher on traffic violations by owners of supercars (laws should be applied equally to everyone), it gives one pause for doubt.
As for Mr Desmond Choo, he is presenting himself as a messiah (with an ego and skin thick enough to match) sent to save the residents of Hougang. Unfortunately, from the few clips shown of him on TV, he isn't coming across as being very sincere. In fact, I'm not sure even he himself believes in the BS he is saying. Most of the deficiencies he has promised to address are caused by the very government formed from his own party. If the government had been doing a better job, these 'problems' should not be plaguing the residents of Hougang in the first place!
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